We offer teaching and healing gifts

Gifts Of Healing

To my surprise, hundreds of people use the Healing Gifts section of this website every year. I'm also noticing that we are having numbers of people use the Sacred Relics and Icons section of the website which is new this year. These healings are as accurate as if we were sitting next to each other thanks to the reproductive accuracy of digital recording.

My intent with each of these recordings is to offer something generic which will be useful to a wide range of people and serve a wide range of purposes. I’m expecting that if you are a regular user of these healings, you will be downloading them for your convenience.

I have been asked about how to use these healings. There is only a limited amount of instruction included with the healings because these healings work in ways that are difficult for me to describe in words. It's also difficult to tell you when to use a healing.

You need to experiment. I believe you will discover that each of these gifts has layers; the more you use it the more it reveals itself to you. I designed them in that way. These gifts were sourced intuitively and are meant to be used intuitively.

I'm hoping this year to record additional gifts to the ‘Sacred Relics and Icons.’ To be clear, I am not the source of the healing from these sacred relics. What I recorded is my interaction with these sacred objects. It's my interaction which brings them back to life and makes them available to you.

Use these gifts in ways that make sense to you. Don't be surprised if you return to one of these healings a week or a month later and it's different. Oddly, these recordings are alive and surprisingly relational.