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Into The Eye Of God

I hope by now you’ve had a chance to read my new book, Into the Eye of God. In this blog I want to write about a comment from one of my readers. She said that I hadn't explained what the sacred is. So, I will try again.

I'm talking about my experience. I don't have any other basis for conveying what I mean by the sacred. The key here is my experience. That is the sole basis for my writing. With that in mind I have been trying to find words for what's essential in my experience of the sacred. Essentially the sacred is to me, a great silence. It's an absence of sound. In fact, sound disturbs my experience of the sacred, so I prefer to be quiet and in a location that is as noiseless as possible. However, natural sounds, wind noise, bird noise, don’t disturb my experience of the sacred.

The sacred is an extraordinary emptiness. Paradoxically, the sacred is also incredibly rich, vibrant, alive, active, dynamic and fluid in the midst of its silence and emptiness. It is constantly changing in ways that are a continual surprise to me. It's not just quiet and empty. It's a rich, complex, and lively terrain filled with multiple dimensions or realities or realms.  

At the time in my life when I left the ‘spirit world’ I explored what I refer to in my new book as God's Eye. At first, my exploration of the sacred was for my own amusement and curiosity. I discovered that I know how to voyage in the realms of the sacred, a knowing without knowing I inherited from my mother’s family. I also discovered that I learn all sorts of things as I explored.

The sacred has an intelligence with rules and systems. But it is without purpose, point or direction. It simply is. Early on, I realized that the sacred was not obligated to me or anyone else. All activity is entirely independent of my wishes or anyone's wishes. And then unexpectedly, the sacred may take an action that is an intervention in human affairs.

The sacred never agreed to listen to me or respond to me. It never agreed to pay attention to my prayers. My reverence is not based on anything the sacred has or hasn't done for me or anyone else. My service has no payoff or payback. I'm writing this from inside the sacred. Hopefully, as you read, you can sense my experience of its magnificence.