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Listening To "What Wants To Be Known"

Copies of my second book, “What Wants To Be Known” will be available in late April. My sister asked me to describe it to her and, in that moment, I did not have a good answer because I was still fact checking the manuscript. The book is behind me now and I invite you to read it. The two last chapters are a good summary of my teachings, Chapter 13 is a description of my break with the realm of the spirits, and the rest of it describes some of my adventures in the service of the ‘All That Is.’

The other morning I was drinking coffee with Carl Priolo and we were talking about a second edition of “What Wants To Be Known.” New chapters describing my service to the indescribable. I admit that I surprise myself with all of the words I have found to describe the wordless. My principle teachers taught me entirely in silence and I taught in silence until one day when, out of frustration with not being understood, I started to teach with words. So I now use words to encourage you to enter the wordless. How do you enter the wordless? Try listening to what wants to be known.

March 25, 2019